Critical Incident Management and Command
1Training Day (8 hrs)
Max # of students: No Cap
Critical Incident Management & Command is a hybrid leadership class for First Responding Officers, Front Line Supervisors and Commanders who may be tasked with responding to and resolving high risk critical incidents such as Hostage Situations, Barricaded Gunmen or Active Shooters. The course is a primer for initial responding officers as well as High Risk Incident Commanders, combining methodologies for Immediate Action and Risk Mitigation, along with Strategic Planning and Decision Making during a Crisis.
Class is restricted to sworn law enforcement officers and those personnel assigned directly to a law enforcement agency.
Program Syllabus/Curriculum
Part One – Critical Incident Management (CIM)
Phases of CIM
Asset Deployment
Vulnerability Reduction
Risk Mitigation
Prioritizing Tasks
Barricaded Gunman
Hostage Situations
Active Shooter
Asymmetrical Threats
Part Two – Critical Incident Command (CIC)
Nature of Crisis and Conflict
The 9 Tactical Principles
Strategies and Tactics
Intelligence and Panning
Leadership and Decision making during a Crisis
Part Three – Table Top Exercise
The class will end with a Table Top/Debrief Exercise, having the students resolve a real-life high-risk critical incident.
Program Package
BlueSentinel Group provides the following assets/resources for this training class:
(1) Certified Law Enforcement Instructor
All course materials.